to be one of a kind

Mario Bellini
Go to productsKnown since the early 1960s for his creativity a designer with the most important Italian and international companies, Bellini features in the Design collections of the major museums in the world. His iconic and contemporary style confirms his keen perception of trends and the ability to interpret them.
Dario Curatolo
Go to productsNever-ending creativity combined with attention to detail have always allowed Dario Curatolo to transform an idea or a product into an engaging experience. His continuous research of materials, techniques and forms finds its application in the Italian “know-how”.
Nicola Gallizia
Go to productsWarm, soft, functional, minimal but sophisticated at the same time. These are the keywords that best describe Nicola Gallizia’s interior design language. The main source of inspiration for him remains the Milanese style as this city not only represents its roots, its natural environment, but indelibly marks its growth path and its identity.
Marco Piva
Go to productsAmong the protagonists of Italian architecture and design, Marco Piva stands out for its fluid and functional language. His creative solutions are based on stylistic freedom, where objects get rid of their stiff intellectualism.
Paolo Portoghesi
Go to productsIn his dazzling career, Portoghesi has always stood out for his love of beauty combined with the ability to recognize value even in what appeared to be very simple forms. Numerous exhibitions and publications have been dedicated to him both in Italy and around the world.
Luca Scacchetti
Go to productsScacchetti’s philosophy has always been that of an interdisciplinary approach to the project and the search for a formal and spatial relationship with the place in which he operated. His thought is still present in the physical integration of the workspaces of his Milan studio: a large open space in which roles and ideas blend naturally.
Ettore Sottsass
Go to productsArchitect, artist, creative, revolutionary genius are among the recurrent definitions used to define the multifaceted personality of the great master. A visionary who overturned certain canons of contemporary aesthetics, giving life to objects and projects with an unmistakable stylistic, chromatic and material imprint. Functionalism and rationalism arise from a careful observation of society, reflecting the cultural depth of his person.

Ogni storia trae valore dalla voce che la racconta.
Da sempre affidiamo a menti geniali e mani sapienti le idee da modellare nei nostri progetti.

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